KPerrone WordPress Theme By Anonymous, Theme Type: Magazine , free trial: available
KPerrone is a simple WordPress Theme.
Using images with Posts
Once you are ready to begin posting and you are at the “Add New Post” page look for the section below the text area that says “Custom Fields” this is where you will configure the image you want to display beside the post.In the “Name” field you will type: post-img
In the “Value” field you will type/paste the address to the image. Make sure it is a 100×100 image or it will not display correctly unless you go in the code and change the size, but I will not go in to that here. (maybe at a later date)
KPerrone主题是kperrone.com自己使用并放出下载的wordpress主题. KPerrone使用了缩略图+文章摘要的格式展示文章列表,并采用了一个1000px宽度的两栏布局.