Press WordPress Theme By OboxDesign, Theme Type: Magazine, Multi-Purpose, Photography , free trial: coming soon
Press a multipurpose minimalist blog exceptional WordPress affair which could be acclimated a gallery, portfolio, artefact advertisement page or beautiful claimed blog.
Press is a minimalist blog theme which can serve many different purposes. The nature of its design means the scope for modifications are endless and the boundaries for content are only determined by you.
The ‘gallery’ for this theme is different to any of the other sites we have created. Its layout allows you to use it as a gallery, a portfolio or even a product listing page. The home page is customizable as each row is its own widget. This allows you to move the content around and declare different categories for each of the rows.
Colors included are ‘Red’, ‘Maroon’, ‘Apple Green’, ‘Black & White’, ‘Black & Blue’, ‘Dark Purple’ and ‘Cream & Purple’.